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Residence in Monaco

Residence in Monaco

As Monaco residents you have the luxury of enjoying: cosmopolitain and safe living, a sustainable economic environment, a strong financial center, a high quality education system, a favorable tax system and internationally recognised center for healthcare.

BUT, you must also realise that now you are living in a country which has a different legal system to the one of your home nationality or of your previous place of residence. A place of residence in Monaco will affect issues related to the ownership of assets in other jurisdictions.

Rosemont can advise a new Monaco resident  on the often unexpected consequences of the changes to their personal situation, and can assist in structuring your personal and corporate affairs in the most optimal manner.


Monaco Residency in a nutshell

  • Internationally renowned European base for international UHNW individuals and families.
  • Major centre for private banking and financial services.
  • Advantageous fiscal regime for Monaco residents - no tax in Monaco on an individual’s worldwide income, capital gains and no wealth tax.
  • Global centre of luxury goods and superyacht ownership.
  • Stability and security.

Major issues to consider

Estate Planning and Inheritance issues in Monaco:

  • Advice on inheritance issues, covering Monaco and non-Monaco assets, including review of validity of existing wills and their applicability in Monaco;
  • Validity of your matrimonial regime;
  • Impact of conflict of jurisdictions;
  • Rules applicable for judicial competence;
  • European legislation regarding inheritance and choice of laws.

Legal issues in Monaco:

  •  Purchase of secondary residence in France or elsewhere;
  •  Dealing with disability and incapacity, lasting powers of attorney, and guardianship;
  •  Civil Partnerships, LGBT issues
  •  Minors, adoption.

Tax issues in Monaco:

  •  Issues linked to withholding tax when receiving dividends; royalties; interest and fees

Day to day issues in Monaco:

  •  School inscription, club membership …
  •  Residence renewal
  •  Driving licence
  •  Employing staff

Advisory on creation of new Business activity in Monaco:

  •  Choice and set up of the corporate structure
  •  Assistance to open bank account
  •  Social security regime

CRS in Monaco:

  • Common Reporting Standard (CRS) questions and substance for Monaco tax residency
Request our e-flyer "Residence in Monaco - Let us hold your hand" here

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